Master Thesis
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Hyperobjectifying Qi is my master thesis that delves into the reasons behind the difficulty of understanding qi from a Western perspective, and explores the gaps that exist when imposing Western scientific methods onto the Eastern phenomenon that is qi. In order to do so, I utilise the philosophical concept of the Hyperobject, previously introduced by philosopher Timothy Morton as a tool by which to understand the complex and interconnected nature of qi, to further analyse differences and to expose the problematic nature of feng shui in our modern world.
In the five main chapters, I discuss how the five main characteristics of Hyperobiects relate to qi in order to first understand qi as a Hyperobject:Viscosity, Nonlocality, Temporal undulation, Phasing, and Interobiectivity. For every chapter, I investigate a different aspect of qi in terms of Feng Shui, such as how the practice has been sustained and spread worldwide, the shift from traditional to modern applications of Feng Shui, the impact of modern science on Feng Shui, the commodification of Feng Shui, and finally, the constellation system of Feng Shui. By using this Hyperobject-based framework, I examine qi from this new philosophical perspective, in order to explore its various angles and aspects.